Saturday, September 8, 2007

The start of a new day

This will be my first post in what should hopefully be a long-standing series of tirades and bombastic, pretentious dialogues about basically anything and everything. So how to properly christen such a momentous occasion? I believe this calls for a Psalm:

Watch your thoughts: They become your words.
Watch your words: They become your actions.
Watch your actions: They become your habits.
Watch your habits: They become your character.
Watch your character: It becomes your destiny.

I included this in my first post for three reasons. One, I think it's excessively gay and preachy (and it was aggressively campaigned at the last school I taught at). Two, I hate aggressively campiagned, excessively pretentious, gay slogans/phrases/passages that use conventional, household wisdom, and try to pass it off as original and thought-provoking. Three, although I am apt to become philosophical, emotional, and sometimes downright cheesy; contentious, controversial, and possibly even egotistical, I will never stoop to the depths of what is the literary equivalent of a carnival sideshow. I am sure that, in the future, I will throw out many a phrase that might resemble such mainstream filth, but be reader beware! As the intelligent reader, it is your job to discern the true pieces of literary genius from the dregs of literary sewage.
Now, some of you might be thinking, "...but Mr. Burns, how will I know whether something is truly thought-provoking, or just philosophical filler?" Well, I'm glad you asked that question. Here's a simple little test which is easy to administer and will give you positive results each time you use it: If you can understand what the writer is saying with minimal resources allocated to the "thinking" portion of your brain, it's likely prosaic. The easier literature is to digest, the less thought it takes to digest it. Don't believe the hype!
All that being said, I am hoping to deliver some truly thought-provoking and impassioned speeches in the future from this, my little virtual soapbox. Whether anyone will read them, or whether it will go down as just another blog in the sea of virtual literature remains to be seen. There are no special feature, nor anything particularly original about this blog, so I suppose there is no reason for it to be distinguished above the rest, but that doesn`t make it any less meaningful. In one blog amonst millions, it would take something truly special to be elevated above the rest. Fortunately for me, I have have significantly lower expectations. It's not my goal to gain worldwide acclaim, so read on! (or don`t) because I`m going to rant on regardless.
I believe I will now christen this site properly with a couple words of wisdom from the brain of Burns. Perhaps a little something from my own personal philosophy: This is a passionate site for passionate people. Everyone is passionate about something, it's simply a matter of finding what it is. And when you DO find what it is, don't let anyone tell you that it's lame, stupid, childish, or otherwise unacceptable. Do what you do, and do it with pride. Anyone who poo-poos on your passion is either ignorant, or trying to sell you something. There are exactly 2,350,645 different ways to live life (give or take 2 or 3), and none of them are right. So if you're gonna live life the wrong way, you should at least take pride in f***ing it up in your own way.
There you have it. My first of hopefully many philosophical harangue. Is there any truth to it? Probably not, but then again I never said that there would be. Much like many other things out there, it's just an opinion. Whether you choose to accept it is your own decision.
This sadly ends my first post, but with the the optimism that there will be many more to come, and that this blog will be blessed with many readers, and many ardent and contentious responses. Until then, read on, you lovers of literature. Goodnight my sweet princesses and princes, live long and prosper and all that.

Burnsy... out!


Unknown said...

I'm here first! I'm number 1.

jonchia said...

i like tea... a lot.

Unknown said...

I think YOU stole MY blog layout, BEEEAAAAATCH!

Anonymous said...

Someone's had too much mountain dew today.... and Its not me....

with age should come wisdom;
with wisdom, usually, moderation;
with moderation, the understanding,
that there is something to be learned
from everything and everyone....
even a blog... perhaps.